As I was going throughout my day,
I began to reflect on this journey called life.
We can easily get caught in what’s not going right & where we would
like to be, we forget where we came from.
When I began to think about where I use to be compared to where I am
now, the words “Amazing Grace” were painted so vividly in my mind. Then I started to sing the hymn many of us
know…..“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind,
but now I see!....” After singing, I was
in totally “different” place mentally & spiritually. I began to dig deeper into what God was
showing/speaking to me through that song.
Here’s what I got….
With lips of Praise, a heart full
of Thanksgiving, & until the next post…..
Do something For His Glory!
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