Friday, September 19, 2014

She's baaaack!!!

It’s been so long since I’ve blogged but I can say I’m back!  Life has been super busy the past month. What have I been up to????? Well last month, my husband & I celebrated our anniversary, our daughter’s 2nd birthday, moving, plus school starting for our teenager and last but definitely NOT least, sitting in God’s house to receive the Word on Sundays and Mondays. With all of that & working full time, it was hard to blog.  I can truly say that I’ve missed writing though.  Now that I think about it, writing gives me an escape from the hustle/bustle of life.  It gives me the opportunity to reflect on things going on in my life, possibly discover some hidden desires, and/or simply focus on known desires so I can map out a game plan for obtaining those desires. Therefore, my plan is to write at least twice a week with the hopes of posting something at least once a week.  This will be a challenge but I’m determined to conqueror it one week at a time! So…
Until the next post…..Do something ForHisGlory!